Jackie has published a small number of articles about Dementia which are shown here:
Culverwell, A., Tuppen, J., with support from Milne, A Identifying Dementia in Primary Care: A Survey of Screening Measures used in East Kent, (2006) East Kent Mental Health Trust
Alisoun Milne, Senior Lecturer in Social Gerontology, Tizard Centre, University of Kent with A. Culverwell, R. Guss. & J. Tuppen, Kent & Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Screening for Dementia in Primary Care: A review of the use, efficacy & quality of measures (2008) International Psychogeriatrics 20,5, 911-926
Milne, A., Culverwell, A., Guss, R., Tuppen, J., Screening for Dementia in primary care: How is it measuring up, (2008) Quality in Ageing Vol 9 Issue 3 39-44
Tuppen J., When information must be handled with care (2009) Nursing Older People Vol 21, No 2 12 -13
Tuppen J., The benefits of groups that provide cognitive stimulation for people with dementia (2012) Nursing Older People Vol 24, No 10 20 -24
Tuppen J, Burton Jones J., Cogs Clubs: a helpful activity in early dementia (2015) Journal of Dementia Care Sept/Oct 2015 Vol 23 No 5
Tuppen J Perceptions may damage your health: The Journal of Dementia Care Vol 26 No 6 Nov/Dec 2018